"Growing in Cuteness and Love"

Monday, March 16, 2009

Shopping for Kayla's Orphanage

Now that was fun!  This morning our guide Smiley took us to a baby and children's store to buy the gifts for the orphanage.  They suggested baby clothes for baby girls ages 6 months, diapers and formula.  Sounds easier than it actually was.  Although we had about 10 people in the store helping us, we had big decisions to make.  Will the babies wear split pants?  Do we buy the diapers that are used with the split pants?  What kind of formula do we buy?  Our guide called the director at the orphanage from the store (he knows them quite well which is promising for our visit in a couple of days) to find out the specific brand.  It was suggested that we buy a more nourishing brand for the new babies that costs more but just buy less of it.

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